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BapsHockey Academy is here to offer actionable insights on reoccurring situations that happen in-season and off-season that     aren't discussed enough. I will give you proven step by step processes to handle these events and give yourself the best chance to get the most out of any situation. I firmly believe that guiding is a much better teaching tool than tell you what to do. I'll give you the tools to face these circumstances with confidence, be able to handle any situation and take your game to the next level!

Finding The Sweet Spot

1 - Self-Check

-> Take a minute or two to evaluate your state of mind


Which state of mind best describes you?


A-  Energy very high, hyped up, mind is jumping from thought to thought and/or constantly think of the future 


If so, proceed to the mentally too high section


B-  Energy very low, sluggish, mind is lagging/daydreaming and/or thinking of the past


If so, proceed to the mentally too low section


C-   Energy not too high or low, in the moment, thoughts are coming in clear and much easier to manage


If so, proceed to mentally engaged and present section


2- Strategies for Handling a Mentally High State of Mind

         a - Breathing, 6 seconds in and out through the nose

         b - Make simple plays, don’t force anything and build positive momentum

         c - Ask yourself, what’s one thing I can do better next shift? Execute it


Did any of these strategies work? What did work or what adjustments could you make to handle a high state of mind?








3- Strategies for Handling a Mentally High State of Mind

         a - Breathing Wim Hof, 100% in/75% out 20 to 30 times

         b - Get a good sweat in during warmups and heart rate up

c - Finish checks or get in a battle early to get you in the game


Did any of these strategies work? What did work or what adjustments could you make to handle a high state of mind?






4- Mentally Engaged & Present

Ride the wave. It’s not realistic to consciously force yourself to stay in this state of mind. That simple act will pull you right out of the sweet spot. It’s also not sustainable for long periods of time so you’ll naturally come in and out of it. The key is applying these strategies for the right states of mind and create consistency in getting back into this flow state of mind!



Click the button below and I’ll send you the full PDF. Simply write Episode 1 on the subject and “READY TO GO” in the message! Excited to get you on the program and take your game & IQ to the next level!

How to Bounce Back From A

Losing Streak

Two Step Process to Bouncing Back 


1-   Narrow Your Focus


What are things you do exceptionally well?


Pick 1-2 things that you can consistently execute?


Forget about the rest and focus on these two areas. Consistency is key to getting out of this!


2-   Take it Shift by Shift


Do you find yourself thinking about last shifts mistakes? Looking at the clock wondering how much time is left? Wondering how many shifts you have left? Thinking what the coach will do next?


This thinking takes you away from the moment! Take it one shift at a time and your play will take care of itself



Click the button below and I’ll send you the full PDF for free! Just write “PDF” in subject and “Ready To Go” in the message section. For more information like this make sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter and make sure to sign up for our monthly Newsletter to take your game & IQ to the next level!

Adapting Your Game


Three Ways to Adapt Your Game


1-   Simplify Your Game


Build confidence by doing the little things each shift


Getting pucks out, maintaining possession on a battle, winning races to pucks, winning your 1 on 1 battles and so on


2-   High Compete Level


Control what you can control


Competing and battling on pucks is a simple habit that simply ISN’T done enough


3-   Make the Most of Your Opportunities


Opportunities will come up unexpectedly and are out of your control


It’s your job to be prepared at all times and ready to take advantage of these when they arise 


Click the button below and I’ll send you the full PDF for free! Just write “PDF” in subject and “Ready To Go” in the message section. For more information like this make sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter and make sure to sign up for our monthly Newsletter to take your game & IQ to the next level! 


Self-Player Evaluation



Two Evaluation Tools

1 – Evaluate Where You Stand Currently


a-   Bubble Player, don’t get consistent ice and are in and out of the lineup

b-   Established Player, consistently play and used in most situations

c-   Go-To Player, Top player on team or league and used in all situations


What can you do consistently to move up the depth chart or stay on top?


2 – Evaluate Overall Skill


a-   Compete, your skill is below or par to everyone around you

b-   Excel, you have a competitive advantage and are above the average skill level

c-   Dominate, you are significantly better than the average skill level 


Use these to evaluate where you’re at and identify key skills you can start developing to improve your overall skill! Here are three examples below,


Example 1 – Bubble Player/Excelling Skillset

  • Focus on simplifying your game, identifying one skill to develop consistently and earn your opportunities over time


Example 2 – Established Player/Compete Skillset

  • You have earned the trust of your teammates and coaches. Now it’s time to improve your overall skillsets. Find 2 areas you can focus on developing and be consistent. Trust the process and allow yourself to make mistakes.


Example 3 – Go-To Player/Dominate Skillset

  • Don’t get complacent! Find ways to challenge yourself. How can you push yourself? How can you improve? This growth mindset will keep you growing and on top! 


Click the button below to download the PDF for FREE! For more information like this make sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter and make sure to sign up for our monthly Newsletter to take your game & IQ to the next level!